The what the afternoon knows anthology will grow into a collection of poems which speak to me about my experience of being human. Clearly, this will be a very personal selection; but I hope you will find it in some things which help you or inspire you, amuse you, move you, make you laugh, or feel less alone—do all the things, in fact, that great poetry can do. Due to copyright laws I often can’t provide the full text of a poem. I will, where I can; if I can’t I’ll put a link to it, if I can find it somewhere on the web; and if I can’t do either of those, I’ll give the reference to where I found it, and hope to write about it enticingly enough to inspire you to search it out for yourself!
The wtak anthology will also include my own work. Because of tiresome publication and competition rules, if I put something up here I can’t enter it anywhere else because it’s deemed to have been published. Sigh. So I’ll only be putting up stuff which has already got somewhere in competitions, been published elsewhere, or which I don’t want to place anywhere else. Again, I hope you find something which speaks to you.