Lucy Underwood is a poet and counsellor who’s lucky enough to live in the Lake District, England. She loves words, music, being out in nature, earl grey tea and really well-sharpened pencils.
Having a deep belief in the value of living the examined life, she loves working with people as they figure out who they are and how to grow their lives into the most fulfilling shape possible. Lucy also works as a facilitator. She relishes all her jobs and can’t quite believe that she gets to call them work.
Lucy works both from home and in a number of venues round the Lakes. She’s often found in various cafes around Kendal (her home town) and nearby villages. And you can also regularly track her down in the woods or on the fell behind her house, where she is usually on the run from the washing-up or one of the many other chores which never stays done.
If you want to learn more about the origins of what the afternoon knows, have a look at what country, friends is this?, the afternoon knows what the morning never suspected and we’re going to need a lot of cake.