Well, this is exciting and scary in about equal measure. (There seems to be a lot of that in what the afternoon knows.)
I’m putting this up in case any of you might be interested in coming along. On Saturday 12th October one of the choirs I sing in is putting on the first (I’m trying not to say only!) performance of a piece which I have co-created: what the composer is calling a “dramatic cantata”, for which I have written the libretto. I’ve never done anything like this before and it’s all quite odd: I saw my name on a poster in the town centre the other day and wanted simultaneously to leave the country and also to take a selfie in front of it (and as you can imagine, I’m not normally a selfie girl. I compromised by taking a picture of the poster). I’ll have more to say when it’s officially a Thing, of course, but it would be lovely to see any wtak readers, their friends, and other singers, along to support us (those of you who are not already in it, of course!). Eeeeeek!
See you there…?
Sounds wonderful Lucy. I wish I lived closer and I would come. Hopefully you will be able to put a link to recording of the music on here – when it a Thing, that is.
Morning Sheila. Thank you so much for sending support! It is going to be recorded so if I can find someone to do clever things with the sound file I shall put it up on the Thing. I’ve got a couple of other Things sitting in the buffers, waiting to be written and posted, but I am looking forward to ‘The Song of the Silent Child’ very much and it will appear in due course. Two rehearsals to go…! x